Grants & Publications


  • Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center (CMSC), Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration, 2016-2021, $2,125,158.
  • Simulation-based Uncertainty Quantification of Manufacturing Technologies, AFRL, 2018-2022, $5.3M (CMSC, 14%)
  • Trans-Enterprise Digital Integrated Remote Manufacturing Service Center, CARES Act Supplemental Funding to Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center, Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration, 2020-2022, $300,000
  • 2021 Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center, Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration, 2021-2026, $1,200,000.
  • Connecticut Manufacturing Leadership Program, Department of Energy, through CT-DECD, 2024 – 2026, $899,927 (CMSC, 60%)
  • Weldment Research and Prototyping for Hypersonic Air-Breathing Weapons and Advanced Material Manufacturing Research, AFRL, $10.5M, 2023-2027 (CMSC, 14%)


  • Dong Xu, Jeongho Kim, Lesley Frame, Jiong Tang, “Advancing Vacuum Carburizing Simulation: Calibration and Implementation of a Carbon-level Dependent Diffusion Model for AISI 9310 Steel,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (in press).
  • Dong Xu, Kai Zhou, Jeongho Kim, Lesley Frame, Jiong Tang, “Gleeble-based Johnson-Cook Parametric Identification of AISI 9310 Steel Empowered by Computational Intelligence,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-024-14661-x, 135(5- 6) 2437-2456, 2024.
  • Qianyu Zhou, Jeongho Kim, Jiong Tang, “Spatially-Aware Milling Surface Flatness Prediction Through Physics-Based Graph Neural Network,” International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Publication date: 8/25/2024.
  • Dong Xu, Lesley D Frame, Jeongho Kim, Jiong Tang, “Model Updating of Constitutive Relation of Ti64 Alloy Based on Gleeble Testing,” International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Publication date: 8/25/2024.
  • Dong Xu, Lesley D Frame, Jeongho Kim, Jiong Tang, “A Finite Element Analysis-Based Digital Twin for Investigating the Mechanical Behavior of Ti–6Al–4V at High and Moderate Temperatures, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Publication date: 11/17/2024
  • Asim Gautam, Kevin Sala, Amy Hernandes, Dong Xu, Jiong Tang, Lesley Frame, Jeongho Kim, “Heat Treatment Simulation of AISI 9310: A Step Towards Digital Twin,” International Symposium on Flexible Automation, July 21-24, 2024
  • Joseph Johanson and Jeongho Kim, “Finite Element Analysis of Thermomechanical Manufacturing Processes using Enhanced Graded Elements with Incompatibility,” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Volume 46, article number 638, 2024.
  • Asim Gautam, Jeongho Kim, “Non-conforming and conforming five-node quadrilateral graded finite elements,” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2023.2212360, 2023.
  • Lilia Miller, Kai Zhou, Jiong Tang, Lesley Frame, Rainer Hebert, Lakshmi Ravi Narayan, S. Pamir Alpay, Alexandra Merkouriou, Jeongho Kim “Thermal-Mechanical Finite Element Simulation and Correlation Analysis of Orthogonal Cutting for Normalized AISI 9310 Steels,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI:10.1007/s00170-021-07130-2, 114:3337-3356, 2021.