Motivating Research

Innovating Technology

Trying New Ideas

CMSC presents Virtual Webinar on April 3, 2025 (12-1PM)

Topic: Manufacturing Simulations: High-Performance Computing

Please register to get access to Webex: Register Link


To be internationally recognized as the premier manufacturing simulation center, renowned for delivering cutting-edge technical assistance and innovative solutions to small and medium-sized manufacturers in CT. We aspire to empower these businesses by advancing their operational efficiency, fostering sustainable growth, and driving industry-leading practices through state-of-the-art simulation technologies and expert support. Our vision is to create a transformative impact on the manufacturing landscape, helping local companies thrive in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.


The mission of Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center is to be a catalyst for innovation and growth within CT’s manufacturing community by providing advanced technical assistance and fostering the development of the next-generation of skilled workers. We are dedicated to equipping manufacturers with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in an evolving industry. Through our expertise and dedication, we aim to empower CT’s manufacturing sector with the knowledge, skills, and technologies needed to thrive in the global economy, while simultaneously cultivating a workforce that is prepared to meet the challenges of current and future industry.

Technical Services

Computing, Simulation and Virtual Prototyping

uconn cmsc - our mission

Perform Physics-based Modeling

We provide physics-based modeling services to simulate and evaluate the design, function, and performance of a product over the entire life cycle.


uconn cmsc - what we do

Discover Computational Intelligence

We apply computational intelligence to address complex manufacturing processes for which mathematical or traditional modeling is useless.


uconn cmsc - how we do it

Automate the Manufacturing Future

We provide robotic automation services to increase productivity and efficiency, allow speed and accuracy in process execution, and reduce errors.

Why Work With CMSC?

Why work with the CMSC? The answer is simple! The Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center (CMSC) is a premiere center that focuses on real world simulation and research. Our research, along with our faculty, students and experience in manufacturing delivers results that matter.

We value our capabilities to incorporate advancing technology while using out of the box state-of-the-art software. In doing this, we are creating new methods for a different set of learning methods. This benefits both SMEs and the Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center (CMSC), research and bringing together different minds to solve different problems  and create something that is unique. This benefits both small and medium enterprises and the Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center, bringing together different minds to solve different problems and create something that is unique.

Interested in CMSC? Inquire With Us!

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    2:00 PM

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